Fleet Optimiser
To avoid paying too much, risking non – compliance and sub – optimal Fleet Management which doesn’t maximise your return on investment (ROI), companies engage in our ‘Fleet Optimiser’ suite of services.
Here’s how it works:
• Free ‘Fleet Optimiser Self – Evaluation’ - evaluate your 7 key Fleet Management considerations and rate your Fleet function in 2 minutes.
• Free ‘Fleet Optimiser Review’ - 30 - minute call to discuss your ‘Fleet Function Rating.’
• ‘Fleet Optimiser Assessment’ - Request specific recommendations for the 7 areas of your Fleet Function so we can confirm where the biggest opportunities for improvement and ROI are.
Fleet Optimiser Program
Clients then engage in our Fleet Optimiser Program which includes the following;
1) Strategy and Planning - Introduce best practice by reviewing policies including lease v buy, FBT treatment and employee use of personal cars (Grey Fleet)
2) Cost Reduction and Management - Save money by analysing the 15 different Fleet Management cost categories including procurement, maintenance and insurance
3) Risk Management and Compliance - Minimise risks by implementing improved risk management, new technology and ensuring compliance with the Work, Health and Safety Act
4) Operating Procedures and Effectiveness - enhance employee engagement by improving administrative process, policy and productivity